Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 4, YWiC leaders have failed to spot the murderer among us.

Today we battled to the death. The precious Styrofoam balls that we carried were our lives. The second we dropped our balls, we lost our lives. We finally figured out our walking, but sadly something went wrong at the end. Our dolphin is adorable, but it can't swim forwards, only backwards.
Computers are very important because they control everything, especially in school. Something as simple as writing a paper isn't possible without the internet at hand and a word doc. ready to be typed. Teachers stop accepting hand written papers, enforcing this rule of thumb as early as elementary school. Computers control our PA system, our records, information need, medical advancements, social media.....ect. All very important in our lives.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day Three, YWiC has yet to discover that Galen is an Alien.

  Weaccomplished some progress in walking with our characters in Alice today. The female protagonist is named Mate. She took an ENTIRE step with her right foot. Her first step, it was such a precious moment. I learned that invisible bananas have the ability to attract Alice characters. My partner in crime, Galen(the Alien), hid a super secret sneakalicious yellow banana in the ship!!!!!! Twas a memorable moment of genius. I learned today that Myranda, though very helpful in extinguishing any confusion I had with the program, IS A MURDERER. Her sweet face is deceiving. She stabbed Linday. Then Noor proceeded to kill her by bashing her head with a coffee cup. It was a sad day for Linday, but a happy day for Myranda and Noor. They both got away with murder.

I BUILT A DOLPHIN!!!! Eeeekkk <~~That's my dolphin sound!! It was so adorable and you had to push its nose in order for it to move. I love him and his name is STEVE!  

This is my fantabulous group giving life to STEVE!! He is by far the best dolphin I've ever met. Sadly we didn't have enough time to let STEVE spread his wings.....fins. He didn't get programmed to wiggle, but his good looks will get him far in life. 

Good day at camp.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today was pretty cool. We all tested our memory and I have to say that Nancy had the best memory. Congrats guurrrll!! She remembered about every fifth person, but man did she get those right!!! :D A little birdy was spotted fluttering about on the sidewalk, but Jen quickly regained our attention by stating that it was just a bird. The Alice clip is coming along and it's going to be amazing....I hope. The music playing was constantly great and I'm glad it filled in any awkward silence. We started our lego robots, but 

sadly we couldn't finish them. I think the leaders wanted them terminated before they took over the world. They could have easily over powered us if they had been let loose. The robots were contained before they could kill any of the girls. Hopefully they stay in their boxes during the hunger games. And girls, MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR!!!!!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

One Day Down

     So today was my first day of camp with YWiC and it was fun. I was expecting background in computer science and more about the actual field, but what we learned was also interesting. I learned a lot about because I've never done anything with programming. Alice programming was a bit overwhelming at first, but with help I was able to understand most of the functions. Though I had already done the leadership activity before, it was fun to attempt with different methods.

Sadly the opposing team won:
 Congrats Team Galen!! I liked the forensics portion because it was more hands on and it required more interaction amongst those surrounding us. I liked that there was almost always playing music because everyone likes to jam while working.

      One day I will be famous for my mathematical advancements and discoveries. Instead of having Avogadro's number and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, there will be the Stephanator Numba' and the Steph-Steph Equation. High Schoolers everywhere will tremble at the mention of Calculus 27 where the Stephanie Methods will be implemented. The AP exam for this course will be harder than the AP CHEMISTRY exam. Discussions at lunch time will be made up of questions like "Did you get the Stephanie HW last night???" I will be revered!! :)